The average house price on COT VALLEY is £734,535
The most expensive house in the street is COT VALLEY LODGE COT VALLEY with an estimated value of £1,158,696
The cheapest house in the street is CHYGWYTHYAS COT VALLEY with an estimated value of £468,773
The house which was most recently sold was CUCKOOS COTTAGE COT VALLEY, this sold on 19 May 2017 for £495,000
The postcode for COT VALLEY is TR19 7NT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BOSAVERN MILL COT VALLEY Detached £861,694 £495,000 1 Jul 2011
BURNT HOUSE COT VALLEY Detached £609,151 £148,000 22 Nov 1999
CHYGWYTHYAS COT VALLEY Detached £468,773 £278,000 5 Mar 2013
COT VALLEY LODGE COT VALLEY Detached £1,158,696 £618,000 3 Apr 2009
CUCKOOS COTTAGE COT VALLEY Detached £641,683 £495,000 19 May 2017
LETCHA FARM HOUSE COT VALLEY Detached £784,929 £495,000 21 Mar 2014
LOWER COT MILL COT VALLEY Detached £616,820 £350,000 10 Oct 2008